Future of Concrete 3D Printing #COBTH

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, January 25 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: N119

Event Information

Title: Future of Concrete 3D Printing

Session ID: COBTH


Presented by COBOD International.

Questions should be directed to COBOD Co-founder Philip Lund-Nielsen at philip@cobod.com.

For a 3rd consecutive year, this popular and informative course on Concrete 3D Printing returns – enhanced and improved for WOC 2024. Offered twice, so choose either Monday or Thursday.

Why attend?

Concrete 3D Printing stands as one of the fastest-growing technologies in construction, rapidly transforming the industry with its promise of cost reductions, faster project completions, and enhanced design capabilities.

Deep dive into the present and future of this innovative construction method as we explore its fast growth, the underlying 3D printer technology, global project applications, material properties, benefits and challenges, and separate fact from fiction while debunking myths.

Topics of discussion:

  • Concrete 3D printing fundamentals including printer styles, materials, and processes
  • Global 3D construction market, projects, applications, and industry players
  • Benefits and limitations of concrete 3D printing
  • Case studies addressing planning, printing, and post-processing plus aspects of design, materials, structural integrity, code compliance, and more
  • How concrete 3D printing will shape the future of construction

Type: Industry Training

Cost: $175; $215 after 12/12/23


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