The Top Ten Reasons Contractors Succeed #FBITU

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Originally Aired - Tuesday, January 23 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

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Location: N253

Event Information

Title: The Top Ten Reasons Contractors Succeed

Session ID: FBITU


Presented by Family Business Institute.
Questions should be directed to Wayne Rivers at 
Reasons contractors fail has been addressed for many years, but there is comparatively little information about why some contractors experience tremendous success and others, not so much. This new course is an in-depth look at top 10 reasons contractors succeed and the requisite factors which can be copied and emulated in any size construction organization. Presentation material comes from concrete subcontractor field & leadership experience, years of research, and close work with approximately 240 contractors in the U.S. and Canada.
Topics of discussion:
10 success factors for becoming a successful, sustainable contracting company
Specifics how top contractors run their businesses
Why leadership is the number 1 requirement for contractor sustainability
Five most important criteria employees want – what attracts top construction workers
Kevin Albanese, former CEO of J.J. Albanese Construction, Santa Clara, CA, a third-generation family concrete construction subcontractor providing demolition, grading & paving, shotcrete, site concrete and structural concrete-related services since 1955.
Wayne Rivers, co-founder and President of The Family Business Institute, a consulting business focusing on balancing interpersonal, operational, and financial issues experienced by family-owned closely held businesses. 

Type: Industry Training

Cost: $175; $195 after 12/12/23


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