Concrete Polishing Luncheon & Forum #TUCPL

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, January 23 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: S220

Event Information

Title: Concrete Polishing Luncheon & Forum

Session ID: TUCPL


Hosted by World of Concrete 360 and ASCC Concrete Polishing Council.

Sponsored by CTS/Rapid Set, Curecrete/Retro Plate, Prosoco, Runyon Surface Prep, and Skudo.

Direct questions to Rick Yelton at or 630-605-7203.

Evaluating concrete floors before polishing is one of the most arduous estimating efforts for concrete polishers. Polishers must manage owner expectations concerning timelines, costs, and final appearance. The Concrete Polishing Council (CPC) of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) recently published two contractor-focused documents that will provide support for contractors during meetings with project owners.

CPC Position Statement #6, Surface Repairs Prior to Polishing, outlines how to address any surface repairs identified before polishing, including recommendation that the contract includes verbiage allowing contractor to select the appropriate materials and techniques to patch surface repairs, separating the activity from the actual polishing bid.

CPC Position Statement #7, Polishing Weak Concrete Surfaces, addresses weak concrete surfaces with conditions that affect the polished floor's final appearance, including increased aggregate rollout, lower gloss reading, and reduced service life.

Polishing panelists who helped write these position papers will offer insights on using these documents to manage owner expectations and avoid post-project issues. Take this opportunity to learn how to profit by using these position papers on your concrete polishing projects.

Polishing Panelists:

Bob Harris, Structural Services Inc., Temple, GA

Chris Wright, Durable Surfaces, Malvern, PA

Ryan Klacking, Concrete Polishing Council Director; Syncon, Inc., Livonia, MI

Type: Breakfasts, Luncheons & Tours

Cost: $115; $150 after 12/12/23


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