Quality in Concrete Slabs Luncheon & Forum #WESOG

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, January 24 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: S220

Event Information

Title: Quality in Concrete Slabs Luncheon & Forum

Session ID: WESOG


Hosted by World of Concrete 360 and American Society of Concrete Contractors. 

Sponsored by Euclid Chemical and Somero Enterprises. 

Direct questions to Bill Palmer at steamboatvalley@gmail.com or 773-494-4619.

Innovations in Concrete Slab Construction– True Innovation doesn’t come easily in our business. But the four experts on this panel can tell you what’s new, and what works and what doesn’t. Each presenter will make a short presentation about one aspect of slab construction, then attendees will have the chance to ask questions about anything related to concrete floors.

Laser scanners, certainly have value on a project, but do they help contractors or put them at risk? Jonathan Matson will discuss. High tolerance floors are making a comeback, and Bryan Birdwell will be there to tell us about the opportunities and challenges. Greg Fricks knows more about high-quality floors than anyone, he builds a lot of them. And Scott Tarr, author of PCA’s Concrete Floors on Ground and ASCC’s Guide to the Design and Construction of Concrete Toppings, will discuss how contractors and designers can work together to get a more constructable design to allow the contractor to be more productive.

Questions to be addressed:

  • Can a laser scanner be used to measure FF/FL for high tolerance floors?
  • How can a slab contractor work with designers to get highly constructible slab designs?
  • What does a contractor need to know before building a high-tolerance floor?
  • What new equipment and techniques are available in slab construction?

Luncheon host Bill Palmer will moderate peer-to-peer discussions and introduce these industry experts who will address your questions regarding best steps for contractors to efficiently deliver a high-quality slab.

Concrete Slabs Panelists:

Scott Tarr, North S.Tarr Concrete Consulting, Dover NH

Bryan Birdwell, Structural Services Incorporated, Waxahachie TX

Jonathan Matson, Somero Matson Group, Archdale NC

Greg Fricks, The Fricks Company, Fort Worth TX

Type: Breakfasts, Luncheons & Tours

Cost: $115; $150 after 12/12/23


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