Women Working in the Construction Fields & Offices Workshop #THWCW

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, January 25 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: N238

Event Information

Title: Women Working in the Construction Fields & Offices Workshop

Session ID: THWCW


NEW for WOC 2024! Join our distinguished panel of women who have gained success in the concrete and construction industries and represent diverse generations and areas of expertise including 1) leadership & management; 2) slab-on-ground specialist & industrial projects; 3) finance management, job costs, profitability & cash flow; and 4) managing jobsite supervisors, foremen & field personnel. These special guest contributors to the World of Concrete Education Program will share their history, perspectives, challenges, and growth experiences from the fields and offices of this male-dominated construction industry.

This exciting workshop with open forum has limited seating, so register early to secure the opportunity to meet colleagues and receive inspiration and insight from other professionals who have successfully paved their way in the concrete and construction industry. 

Panelists include Alex Fernandez, Concrete Floor Design, Construction and Repair Consultant with Structural Services Inc.; Sydne Jaques, CEO of Next Level Leadership; Leslie Shiner, Owner/Author/Business Coach, The ShinerGroup; and Sue Basham, Outdoor Exhibit Manager, World of Concrete.

Continuing Education Hours:  3.0 

Type: WOC Interactive Workshops

Cost: $165; $195 after 12/12/23


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